Rug up and go outside this winter

Now it’s time to enjoy all of winter’s beauty!

With the winter solstice behind us and only 6 weeks to go until Spring, it’s time to get busy in the garden again.

Beat lockdown fatigue and the last of the winter blues by rugging up and getting outside. Even though it’s still a bit chilly there is a lot to do in terms of planning, soil improvement, pruning and yes, even planting – citrus, roses, summer bulbs, camellias, daphnes and hellebores are all in season and good for planting now.

Daphne is a universal winter favourite

Daphne is a universal winter favourite

Take the opportunity to assess your garden and identify any areas for improvement. Late winter can be a good time to move plants that are in the wrong spot, and to prepare ground for any new plantings needed to fill in gaps or freshen up a tired garden bed. Poor soils can be revitalised by digging through or top dressing with Surecrop soil conditioning compost.

Prune roses and cut back summer flowering perennials such as salvias to make way for new spring growth. Continue to deadhead and feed winter flowering annuals such as pansies and cyclamen to extend their flowering season right through until spring.

Keep an eye out for pests on both edible and ornamental crops. Hellebores are particularly susceptible to aphids, so check the underside of the leaves regularly.

Read our July and Autumn fact sheets for more ideas on what to plant now, and what jobs you can do out in the garden this winter.

Winter is beautiful in it’s own way. Enjoy the quiet pace of the garden while nature is resting.

Winter is beautiful in it’s own way. Enjoy the quiet pace of the garden while nature is resting.