Your guide to growing veggies this season


If you have been thinking of starting up a veggie patch but never had the time, coronavirus lockdown delivers a silver lining (we’re always looking for the positives)!

At the moment, many people in our community are dipping their toes into the water and setting up veggie patches. Some who are home schooling are looking for enriching projects for their kids, some are worried about food shortages and security, and some just have more time on their hands and looking to keep busy.

Growing food is a great way to pass the time. One of the great payoffs of gardening which makes it so addictive is that you can really see how the efforts you have made up front pay off down the track - particularly with food gardening because you can harvest and eat what you have grown.

The other payoff is that gardening will keep your body and mind active and give you something to focus on apart from the ever evolving news cycle. While the world outside your fence line may feel out of your control, at least in your veggie patch you can be in charge!

There’s so many things you can grow right now. Leafy greens, onions,leeks and and garlic, root vegetables like carrots, parsnips, beetroot. Plus many herbs continue to grow through the cooler months. It’s really a very productive time in the patch.

So for those of you thinking of breaking ground and becoming a micro farmer, here is our Autumn/Winter Vegetable Growing Guide to help you choose what to plant, and how to care for you autumn/winter crop.